About Us
The Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH) supports partnership programmes that aim to improve livestock-based livelihoods in the tropics. We forge partnerships and catalyse investments that enable scientists, investors, policy makers and user communities to co-produce and apply the knowledge and tools necessary to make our vision a reality.

Our vision
Improved livestock-based livelihoods
People in the tropics are largely dependent on small-scale farming for food and income, but the productivity of the livestock found on these farms is relatively low compared to other regions of the world. Through improvements in livestock and partnerships, we hope to see lives better lived.

Our mission
Delivering genetic gains for tropical livestock development
In 2015, CTLGH launched its research portfolio supported by our strategic partner institutions and funders. These initial partnerships and programmes aim to develop and apply genomic tools to improve the productivity of tropical livestock and increase climatic resilience, adaptation, and mitigation for the benefit of smallholder farmers in the tropics.
Tackling global challenges
Sustainable Development Goals
Our partners’ joint research portfolio, managed under the auspices of CTLGH, seeks to address global challenges of food security, poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability. Improved tropical livestock production systems have a significant role to play in addressing these global challenges and thus contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Livestock commodities
Livestock make available essential nutrient rich by-products for healthy development, especially in children, and meat. We’re currently focused on improving cattle, chickens and small ruminants such as sheep and goats to be more resilient to the prevalence of diseases in tropical climates, to be more productive although faced with lower food intake and water scarcity and to be valuable economic assets to the farmer for longer through better health.